Our Story

Welcome to our little Spinata Shop.

Come on in and welcome to our little pinata shop.

My name is Cindy, a wife & mother to a soon-to-be 16-year-old boy, Yike!  Where does the time go…? 

Like it was just yesterday, I can remember the days of setting up his little birthday party, with his Blue cake and dressing him in his little outfits (which he hated btw, but he looked so cute) we would invite all his classmates and the neighboring kids.  He’s a great kid, so not going to lie we would go all out.  We would have a jumper house - games for kids like “Pin the tail on the donkey.”  But every year, my son would always ask for a Pinata.

To be honest, Pinata’s never sat right with me.  I couldn’t get around the idea of kids wielding a wooden stick (BLINDFOLDER might I add) all in hopes of filling their bags with candy all by smashing a cartoon-shaped cardboard box to pieces. 

My husband, of Mexican descent, supported this tradition. 

My son loved it until one birthday my son’s enthusiasm to be the first one to snag a piece of candy nearly got his head knock off. 

It was so nerve-racking, I couldn’t help but get upset; not at my son or the little boy swinging that stick like Ken Griffy Jr…  But something.

Then over the years attending so many countless Kids' Birthday Parties I would notice that the same thing would happen.  Blindfolded kids, swinging a wooden stick, Pinata BURSTS - kids rush in to snag as much candy (the last candy on earth from the looks of it) as humanly possible.

And I hated it.

So I wanted to do something about it.

Only what could I do…?  I’m just a mom who owned a catering service for nearly 20 years.  What did I know about “creating something.”  That’s not me…  So nothing came of it.  I knew I had an interesting idea but just didn’t know how to make it real.

ENTER 2022

Earlier this year, like most people, I can’t get enough of ABC’s “Shark Tank.”  Now I can’t remember which episode it was, but I was watching the show in a daze and I couldn’t help but think about my silly idea.  “I want to be on Shark Tank and win”  That’s all it took.  That was the spark I needed to light a fire under me.

Later that week my husband and I had our carpenter friend (Marcelino P.) over for dinner and I pitched him my idea of a SPINNING PINATA. 

Was it a great pitch…? Who knows. But did it work…? YES.

After a few short weeks, we started building our first wooden prototype by hand for what’s now called the “Spinner Pinata”.  A handcrafted wooden Pinata controlled 100% by the parents using a simple colorful ribbon design, who all they have to do is set it up at their own risk and

1 2 3 PULL! 

Spinning like a Tornado in the wind, Candy rains down at a full 360 degrees.

One night Marcelino took our “SPINNER PINATA” to a birthday party and he recorded the entire place GOING CRAZY watching my little idea come to life.  He later posted that video and got

Over 2 MILLION TickTock views

You being here today and reading “Our Story” just signifies the power of an idea.  Never in a million years would I think I would have a website trying to sell an idea I had to make a better pinata.  I love tradition, but things can change. 

I sure did.

Thank you for reading

Your new friend

Cindy T.